Snowmen. David Lynch as photograph and "The Uncanny"


  • Paolo Sebastiano Lanzi



David Lynch, Photography, Cinema, Uncanny.


David Lynch’s work is not limited to the cinema, as the 2007 exhibition The Air is on Fire, held at the Cartier Fondation in Paris, showed. However, theoretical studies have neglected what galleries and museums have highlighted for some time: Lynch the painter, photographer, musician and polyhedral artist. The article focuses on a photographic series, Snowmen and is taken from a piece of research by Paolo Sebastiano Lanzi on David Lynch the photographer. In the light of Freud’s essay on The Uncanny (Das Unheimliche, 1919), the Snowmen are interpreted as images of death. Aspects of the artist-director’s poetics come to the fore, such as the unease of the Inland Empire or certain ideas integral to Surrealism. The study of Lynch’s photographic production fills a void in the critical analysis of his work, which should be reappraised in a much wider perspective.



R. Barilli, L’arte contemporanea, Feltrinelli, Milano 2005.

R. Barthes, La camera chiara, trad. it. Einaudi, Torino 1980.

S. Diekmann, The Corroded Surface. On David Lynch’s Photographs and Prints, in W. Spies, a cura di, David Lynch-Dark Splendor. Space Images Sound, catalogo della mostra (Brühl, Max Ernst Museum, 22 novembre 2009-18 aprile 2010), Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostilfdern 2010.

D. Dottorini, David Lynch. Il cinema del sentire, Le Mani, Genova 2004.

S. Ferrari, Nuovi lineamenti di una psicologia dell’arte, Clueb, Bologna 2012.

S. Freud, Il Perturbante trad. it., in Saggi sull’arte, la letteratura e il linguaggio, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1991.

D. Lynch, Sulla mia pittura, “Panta”, n. 13, 1994.

D. Lynch, Snowmen, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain-Éditions Xavier Barral, Parigi 2007.

D. Lynch, In acque profonde. Meditazione e creatività, trad. it. Mondadori, Milano 2008.

C. Marra, Le idee della fotografia: la riflessione teorica dagli anni sessanta a oggi, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2005.

K. McKenna, Conversazione con David Lynch, in H. Chandès e X. Barral (a cura di), David Lynch, The Air is on Fire, catalogo della mostra (Milano, Triennale, 9 ottobre 2007-13 gennaio 2008), La Triennale di Milano, Milano 2007.

C. Rodley (a cura di), Lynch secondo Lynch, trad. it. Baldini e Castoldi, Milano 1998



How to Cite

Lanzi, P. S. (2013). Snowmen. David Lynch as photograph and "The Uncanny". PsicoArt – Rivista Di Arte E Psicologia, 3(3).


