The Art of Morandi at the Interface of Analysis and Art Criticism


  • J. David Miller George Washington University



This study of Giorgio Morandi, the renowned 20th century Italian painter, begins with traditional applied analysis, relating his art to his life experience and his psychology. While this approach suggests that creating art was Morandi’s only significant outlet for personal feelings and fantasies, it is limited by a lack of biographical data. Consequently, I have adopted a second approach, as well, considering Morandi’s art as the visual equivalent of words from an analyst’s couch: I have noted my subjective responses and associations, comparing them with those of a consensus of art critics. From this perspective, I believe Morandi’s art demonstrates basic concepts of analytic process in a vivid and memorable way

How to Cite

Miller, J. D. (2010). The Art of Morandi at the Interface of Analysis and Art Criticism. PsicoArt – Rivista Di Arte E Psicologia, 1(1).


