The fictional nature of image with regard to neurosciences


  • Chiara Cappelletto Università di Milano



From the point of view of empiric Aesthetics and leaning on actual neuroscientific experiments, sight is deeply linked with touch, synaesthesias and mirror neurons. I will deepen this scientific knowledge basing on neuroaesthetics studies and I will argue that a careful discussion of the aesthesiological qualities of images claims to develop a new definition of image and a fresh conception of spectatorship. The image does not ask just to be seen from an abstract eye. It asks rather to be felt by the living onlooker. I will then describe how active the spectator involvement is in seeing an image insomuch as we can talk about an “embodied image”. I will propose that image is a dynamic form, an energetic dimension of vision, in order to conclude that every image, even the still one, is a performing image.

How to Cite

Cappelletto, C. (2010). The fictional nature of image with regard to neurosciences. PsicoArt – Rivista Di Arte E Psicologia, 1(1).


