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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author is aware of releasing his work under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines section.
  • The author is aware of the reviewing and editing process of the Journal.

Author Guidelines

1. Font & Dimensions: Times New Roman/Calibri 12 pt. (for the main text)/ 10 pt. (for the endnotes);

2. Page Layout: default margins of Word, justified text, with single-spaced lines and no indent for paragraphs.

3. Endnotes: insert bibliographic details in the following way: Name of the Author, initial(s), followed by a dot, in Roman; Surname of the Author, in Roman; Title, in italics (if existing, only the Italian version); Publisher, in Roman; Place of publication, in Roman; Date of publication, in Roman; Page(s) number(s): in Roman, p. or pp.

N.B. The superscript numbers in the main text follow the punctuation.

4. Figures: jpeg format, low resolution. In the main text, indicate the references in italics (i.e. fig. 1, figg. 2-3, etc.). Send the numbered figures in a compressed file, containing also a word document for the captions.

5. Captions: insert all the useful details as follows: author(s), title, technique, date, place, etc...

6. Abstract: the Authors must send two abstracts, in Italian and in English, each one between 200-300 characters in length including spaces. The English version must contain the English title too.


Authors should follow the guidelines: the manuscripts that do not correspond to the indications will be rejected. 

The works must be sent to the editorial board only if complete, i.e.:

-       1 word document with the final draft of the paper & completed references;

-       1 compressed file with all the figures in jpeg & a word document with captions;

-       1 word document with 2 abstracts (1 in Italian and 1 in English) + the English title.

 Authors must send an e-mail address and a phone number.

Time for the reviewing process: 2-3 weeks. 


The articles will be peer-reviewed


In questa sezione verranno pubblicati articoli sottoposti a peer review

Reviews & Interviews

The reviews will be peer-reviewed

The Cover

About the cover

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